Get Sqlcmd For Mac

  1. I am following the installation instruction on how Create Python apps using SQL Server on macOS. On Step 1.3 Install the ODBC Driver and SQL Command Line Utility for SQL Server After installing SQLCMD, you can connect to SQL Server using.
  2. The docker container run command will create and start a new container based on the image supplied at the end of the command.; The -d command simply tells docker to run the container as a daemon.; The -name parameter gives our container a name (sql) so that we can use it in subsequent docker commands.; The two environment variables (-e) that we set are to accept the license agreement, and set.
  3. @JonofAllTrades By default yes, SQLCMD sends all output to stdout. However, you can instruct SQLCMD to send errors to stderr via the -r0 command-line switch, in which case they can be redirected to a file using 2, or they can be displayed while regular messages are redirected via. Please see my answer for details. – Solomon Rutzky Aug 12.
  4. We are delighted to share the production-ready release of the SQL Server Command Line Tools (sqlcmd and bcp) on macOS El Capitan and Sierra. The sqlcmd utility is a command-line tool that lets you submit T-SQL statements or batches to local and remote instances of SQL Server. The utility is extremely useful for repetitive database tasks such as.

In this section, you will get SQL Server 2017 running on Docker. After that you will install the necessary dependencies to create PHP apps with SQL Server

Step 1.1 Install SQL Server

I would like to use the sqlcmd cli on a mac to run a script on a Microsoft SQL Server using Windows Authentication. Software details: Mac OS 10.13 MSSQL 2012 version 11.0.2100.60 sqlcmd version 17.0.0001.1 Linux. As a test, I tried: sqlcmd -S hostname,portdatabasename -U -P 'XXX' -q 'select @@version' But I received the error.

  1. In order to run SQL Server on your Mac, we are going to use the SQL Server on Linux Docker Image. For this, you need to install Docker for Mac.
  2. Configure at least 4GB of memory for your Docker environment, also consider adding multiple cores if you want to evaluate performance. You can do this in the Preferences - Advanced option on the menu bar.
  3. Next, start a new Terminal prompt and use the following commands to download and start the SQL Server on Linux Docker image. Make sure to use a strong password with special characters.

You now have SQL Server running locally in Docker! Check out the next section to continue installing prerequisites.

Step 1.2 Install Homebrew, PHP and other required packages

  1. Install Homebrew.

  2. Restart the terminal session.

  3. Install PHP.

To install PHP 7.2 or 7.3, replace php@7.4 with php@7.2 or php@7.3 respectively in the following commands.

PHP should now be in your path – run php -v to verify that you are running the correct version of PHP. If PHP is not in your path or it is not the correct version, run the following:

  1. Install other required packages.

You have successfully installed PHP on your macOS!


Step 1.3 Install the ODBC Driver and SQL Command Line Utility for SQL Server

SQLCMD is a command line utility that enables you to connect to SQL Server and run queries.

After installing SQLCMD, you can connect to SQL Server using the following command:

This how to run a basic inline query. The results will be printed to the STDOUT.

You have successfully installed SQL Server Command Line Utilities on your macOS machine!

By: Daniel Farina | Updated: 2017-06-30 | Comments (1) | Related: More >Database Administration


You need to run SQL commands against a SQL Server instance using the Windows commandline. You have heard about a utility named sqlcmd that allows you to execute SQLcommands from the console, but you don’t know how to use it. In this tip I will giveyou insight about this tool and how to use it.


Usually the sqlcmd utility is not used much compared toSQL Server ManagementStudio (SSMS). I know a fellow colleagues that didn’t even know it exists.The reason behind this is that SSMS is a very robust tool that is the preferredchoice for most day to day work, but there are cases where sqlcmdis a much better option.

Get sqlcmd for mac shortcut

That is especially the case if you are runningSQL Server on Linux. Usuallybig companies have critical database servers in Demilitarized Zones (DMZs), soit’s unlikely that you may be able to connect to these servers via SSMS from yourworkstation. In other words, you may need to access the server with a Secure Shell(ssh) client and either run what you need to execute with sqlcmd or establish atunnel and connect with SSMS.

What is sqlcmd?

Sqlcmd is a utility that is installed with the Client Tools when you installSQL Server. This tool allows you toexecute Transact-SQL statements,stored procedures, and script files at the console.It also allows you to use predefined system variables and define your own user variables.As you may guess, the fact that sqlcmd allows execution of stored procedures makesit possible to runSQL Server AgentJobs or Job Steps.

Another remarkable aspect of sqlcmd is that it allows connections to any versionof SQL Server, something that you cannot do with SSMS. The reason behind this isthat sqlcmd uses the ODBC driver instead of .NET System.Data.SqlClient Namespacewhich is part of ADO.NET which is used by SSMS.

Connecting sqlcmd to the Default SQL Server Instance

If you are connecting to a local server using Windows Authentication and yourcurrent user has access rights, then you can just invoke sqlcmd on the command promptas follows and you will be connected to the default instance.

If you have the proper permissions granted, you will see the sqlcmd prompt like on the following screen capture.

The 1> means the line number, which increases every time you press the ENTERkey and restarts to 1 when you enter the GO batch separator asshown below.

On the above image you can see that the line number increases until the instructionGO is entered, then the sqlcmd prompt returns back to line 1after executing the code.

Connecting sqlcmd to a SQL Server Instance Using Windows Authentication

If your organization uses Active Directory, you can use Trusted Authenticationto connect to a remote or local server. You just need to specify the server and instancename with the –S parameter and –E to use Trusted Authentication. For those of youwho don’t know what Trusted Authentication is, it is the way Microsoft refers tousing the Windows login account to authenticate the user across different applications.

Here is how to connect to an instance. Substitute your server name andinstance name as needed.

Get sqlcmd for mac free

Connecting sqlcmd to a SQL Server Instance Using SQL Server Authentication

If you need to connect using SQL Server authentication you need to also specify the–U parameter with the user name and the –Pparameter with the user’s password, as follows. Again substitute theparameters with your values.

On the next screen capture you can see that I have connected to a remote SQLServer instance running on Linux using SQL Server authentication.

Connecting sqlcmd to a SQL Server Instance with a Dedicated Administrator Connection(DAC)

There are circumstances where you cannot connect to SQL Server due to starvationof resources, as an example. SQL Server has a scheduler dedicated to provideaccess to just one connection in those cases. That is theDedicated Administrator Connection (DAC).You cannot connect to the DAC as you do regularly with SQL Server Management Studio,because SSMS uses two connections, one for Object Explorer and another for thequery window. In those cases sqlcmd is one of the best choices to connect youto the SQL Server instance and do what is needed to return the instance to a normal state.

In order to connect to a SQL Server instance using the DAC with sqlcmd you needto add the –A parameter.

Install Sqlcmd Macos

If you connect with a Windows login then the invocation of sqlcmdis as follows:

If you want to use a SQL Server login you have to invoke sqlcmdin the following way:

Next Steps
  • Another feature of sqlcmd is that it allows you to execute multiple filesas a batch execution as explained in the following tip:Using SQLCMD to Execute Multiple SQL Server Scripts.
  • In order to connect to a Dedicated Administrator Connection you first haveto enable it. You can see how to do this on the following tip:Enable SQL Server Dedicated Administrator Connection.
  • You can also use the batch separator (GO) to execute a batch a given numberof times:Executing a TSQL batch multiple times using GO
  • Another possibility with sqlcmd is the ability to find SQL Serverson our network:Find SQL Servers On Your Network with OSQL and SQLCMD.

Get Sqlcmd For MacLast Updated: 2017-06-30

About the author

Get Sqlcmd For Mac Windows 7

Daniel Farina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Self-educated, since childhood he showed a passion for learning.
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